domingo, 26 de julho de 2009

Polaróides rebeldes de Dash Snow

Dash Snow, fotógrafo marginal de Nova Iorque, morreu de overdose a 13 de Julho, noticiou há dois dias o Ípsilon, do Público. Dash Snow tinha 27 anos e tornou-se conhecido pelas polaróides rebeldes de sexo, droga e violência, ao estilo de Nan Goldin e Larry Clark. O New York Times escreve na notícia necrológica:
Handsome, heavily tattooed, with waist-length blond hair and a full beard, he soon became something of a downtown legend. He began taking Polaroids of the sex- and drug-fueled young bohemian circles in which he moved, recording his life and times in a style similar to that of his close friend Ryan McGinley and older artists like Nan Goldin and Larry Clark.

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