Será que o debate português vai ser contaminado pela argumentação americana? "Muitos activistas anti-aborto deixaram cair a retórica do direito à vida em favor de provas segundo as quais o aborto prejudica a mãe."
A Slate resume assim um artigo de capa da revista do New York Times (que ainda não está online):
A Slate resume assim um artigo de capa da revista do New York Times (que ainda não está online):
Many anti-abortion activists have dropped right-to-life rhetoric in favor of claims that abortion hurts the mother, despite scientific evidence that abortion doesn't increase the risk of depression any more than unwanted pregnancy or giving birth. Their viewpoint "challenges the connection between access to abortion and women's rights — if women are suffering because of their abortions, then how could making the procedure readily available leave women better off?" writes Slate's Emily Bazelon. To treat ensuing feelings of guilt and regret, abortion-recovery therapists "offer a diagnosis that gives meaning to the symptoms, and that gives the women a way to repent," says psychology professor Brenda Major.