AFP, Yahoo
Já se sabia que é possível enviar vírus para telemóveis, à distância, através do sistema bluetooth. O que não se sabia, mas vem hoje revelado no britânico The Observer, é que, também à distância, já se pode ler as mensagens (SMS) do telemóvel de outra pessoa. A empresa Vervata está a vender um programa espião, o FlexiSpy. Tem de ser instalado no telefone móvel a vigiar, o que, defende a empresa, faz com que a vítima se aperceba da intrusão, não configurando, por isso, uma ilegalidade. O problema, adianta o jornal, é que o FlexiSpy também pode ir parar aos telemóveis se for enviado, sob a forma de vírus, por infravermelhos ou por bluetooth.
Excertos e link da notícia:
Mobile phone users warned of dangers in 'spy' software
A company is urging consumers to buy 'secret' mobile phone software so they can read their partner's text messages. FlexiSpy is billed as the 'world's most powerful spy software for mobile phones', which enables a buyer to 'secretly record every SMS [text] message, view their call history, and more!'
The potential for mobile phone monitoring was highlighted last week by Symantec, the information security company. It warned mobile phones are potentially vulnerable to spyware, software that covertly gathers a user's information without their knowledge. These could enable snoopers to remotely activate a mobile phone's microphone, take pictures with its camera or record conversations without the user's knowledge.
But Vervata, the company behind FlexiSpy, denied it was doing anything illegal. The software has to be installed manually on the 'spied upon' handset, making it difficult to do without the owner's knowledge. 'It's true you could wrap up something like this and transmit it virally, but that's not the business we're in,' admitted Atir Raihan, Vervata's managing director. 'There are other companies doing this, but we're not.'

Excertos e link da notícia:
Mobile phone users warned of dangers in 'spy' software
A company is urging consumers to buy 'secret' mobile phone software so they can read their partner's text messages. FlexiSpy is billed as the 'world's most powerful spy software for mobile phones', which enables a buyer to 'secretly record every SMS [text] message, view their call history, and more!'
The potential for mobile phone monitoring was highlighted last week by Symantec, the information security company. It warned mobile phones are potentially vulnerable to spyware, software that covertly gathers a user's information without their knowledge. These could enable snoopers to remotely activate a mobile phone's microphone, take pictures with its camera or record conversations without the user's knowledge.
But Vervata, the company behind FlexiSpy, denied it was doing anything illegal. The software has to be installed manually on the 'spied upon' handset, making it difficult to do without the owner's knowledge. 'It's true you could wrap up something like this and transmit it virally, but that's not the business we're in,' admitted Atir Raihan, Vervata's managing director. 'There are other companies doing this, but we're not.'