"[T]he trend favoring a more elite readership continued. In a difficult year [2008], magazines such as The Economist, The New Yorker and The Atlantic again saw readership gains, although the economics were still difficult. (...)
The decline in advertising the magazine industry has experienced since 2006 accelerated in 2008. The biggest hits came in declines in ad buying from automakers, pharmaceutical companies and financial service providers. (...) Just one news magazine studied, The Economist, succeeded in adding pages and advertising revenue in 2008. The readership of the British-owned magazine’s North American edition is the youngest, most educated and most affluent of all the news magazines examined, all factors desired by advertisers."
[estudo "The State of the News Media 2009", aqui e aqui]
The decline in advertising the magazine industry has experienced since 2006 accelerated in 2008. The biggest hits came in declines in ad buying from automakers, pharmaceutical companies and financial service providers. (...) Just one news magazine studied, The Economist, succeeded in adding pages and advertising revenue in 2008. The readership of the British-owned magazine’s North American edition is the youngest, most educated and most affluent of all the news magazines examined, all factors desired by advertisers."
[estudo "The State of the News Media 2009", aqui e aqui]