segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2009

Os LGBT do presidente

"Gay people have always been involved, in limited ways, in the capital’s power games (...) [a]lthough “sexual perverts” were barred from federal employment by a 1953 executive order signed by Dwight Eisenhower (...) [A]lmost 20 years later, the Civil Service Commission (now called the Office of Personnel Management) finally dropped its ban. (...)
Most of President Obama’s gay staff appointments (...) appear incidental. Nancy Sutley, for instance, a lesbian who was the first gay hire announced by the Obama administration, coordinates federal environmental policy as head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Fred Hochberg, dean of Milano the New School for Management and Urban Policy in New York, will lead the Export-Import Bank. Dave Noble, who directed gay outreach during the presidential campaign, is now the White House liaison to the not-so-gay National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
[The Advocate, Abril 2009, aqui]